Undergraduate and Graduate students of planning and allied fields are one of the most important groups in Planners Network. Student memberships are available for $25 a year ($15 in Mexico) and come with all the benefits of full membership. In addition, students may create chapters to strengthen progressive planning activities in their university or college.
Join Planners Network
Whether face-to-face, in print, or over the internet, PNers are part of a network that shares progressive ideas and experiences. Join Planners Network and make a difference while sharing your ideas and enthusiasm with others! Join PN by paying annual dues and receive:
- A monthly E-newsletter,
- Supporting an online magazine, Progressive City: Radical Alternatives,
- A discount to the PN Conference,
- And the opportunity to contribute to a planning organization that consistently promotes economic, social and environmental justice.
To see full information about how to join, including the membership application, click here to join PN.
University Representatives
Check out our University Representatives page to see if a Professor or fellow student is a PN representative at your university. PN reps can answer questions about PN and support students interested in developing progressive planning activities at their school.
Disorientation Guide
Along with articles that challenge current planning and educational paradigms, the PN Disorientation Guide also contains dozens of ideas for events and activities. Students and professors are encouraged to print out and distribute copies at orientation sessions and organizing meetings. This is a great resource not just for students, but anyone who wants to be “disoriented” into the world of Progressive Planning.