Executive Director Position, ASSIST Inc. Community Design Center, Salt Lake City, Utah

Executive Director

ASSIST Inc, Community Design Center

Salt Lake City, Utah

Deadline for applications is Friday, January 22, 2016.

ASSIST Inc, founded in 1969 as one of the first nonprofit Community Design Centers in the country, seeks an Executive Director to manage all aspects of the program and mission of ASSIST. ASSIST provides architectural design, community planning, and development assistance to nonprofit and community groups; housing repair assistance to low income homeowners; and accessibility design assistance to people with disabilities. The Executive Director is responsible for financial management, human resources, program and policy development, public relations, architectural design and community planning services, fundraising and event management, and oversight of all activities of the organization.

The ASSIST office is located in the heart of downtown Salt Lake City, Utah, and has an annual budget of approximately $1 million. The staff currently consists of four people (executive director, housing director, office manager, and architectural intern). This is a permanent position reporting to a Board of Directors and includes a competitive salary, 403(b) retirement plan, health insurance, and generous paid time off.


Because this is a small center, the Executive Director has a wide range of responsibilities and job duties. Management tasks include managing six Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) contracts; interfacing with administrative staff in multiple jurisdictions; overseeing accounting and billing functions; preparing and maintaining the annual budget; managing all aspects of the office; hiring, supervising, and evaluating office staff including architectural interns and students; and interfacing with the Board of Directors.

Program responsibilities include oversight of all staff, assisting the housing director with the emergency home repair program, and providing accessibility assessment and design services for individual homes and adaptive reuse building design services for nonprofit and community groups.

Community design responsibilities include fostering community involvement and advocacy for balanced and equitable community development. Outreach and training responsibilities include participating in resource fairs, presenting to community organizations, speaking to architecture and occupational therapy students at local colleges, interfacing with home builders, preparing accessibility literature, participating in community planning and design activities, and attending regional and local planning meetings. In addition, the Executive Director will work with the University of Utah College of Architecture + Planning to train student interns and collaborate on public interest design projects.


Minimum requirements include 3-5 years of professional experience with demonstrable increases in administrative, programmatic, and managerial responsibilities. The individual must have a broad range of skills, including public presentation skills and basic financial and accounting acumen; an ability to successfully interface with staff, government employees, and community partners; excellent written and oral communication skills, and experience in accessibility design work and planning. A degree in architecture or planning, or comparable design and planning skills/experience, is required. Computer skills with office suite, graphic programs and CAD desired.

Application Process

Please send a resume, salary requirements, and a brief cover letter explaining your interest in and experience with community design and planning, and (3) references including phone numbers to:

David Fitzsimmons, AIA – President

ASSIST Inc – Community Design Center

218 East 500 South

Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Or email to: info@assistutah.org, www.assistutah.org, 801 355-7085

Deadline for applications is Friday, January 22, 2016.

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