Seventh Generation
- Is the AIA a Place for Design that Matters?
By Kathleen Dorgan
Design Focus
- Design for Regenerative Communities
by Kyle D. Brown - There’s a Whole Lot of Planning Goin’ On: Supporting Citizen Planners and Incorporating Community Vision in Multiple and Overlapping Planning Processes
by Eric D. Shaw - Three Food Arenas of Self-Help: Arizona’s Needy Food Deserts
by Katherine Crewe - Heartstorming: Putting the Vision Back into Community Visioning with Guided Imagery
by Wendy Sarkissian - Postscript: A Call for Actions
by Ron Shiffman aund Jeffrey Hou
General Interest
- Public Housing and Private Property: Colombia and the United States, 1950–1980
by Amy C. Offner - The Role of Planning in the Occupation of Palestine
by Julie M. Norman - Realizing the Right to the City: From Declaration to Action?
by Jill Wigle and Lorena Zárate - Pulling Off a Small Conference—with Help from Friends
by Pierre Clavel