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The Costs of Auto Dependency among them.” Of course, if the only costs of auto dependency were to personal finances, supplementing lower-income household budgets–similar to a food stamp program–might solve the problem. The societal payments, however, go far beyond cash outlays for roads, cars…

The Auto Drives the Growth Machine

...ted commuting longer distances to more remote and sprawling developments built along a highway system supposedly designed for interstate travel in the event of a national emergency or foreign invasion. In short, the traditional dominance of public space over circulation…

Confronting Globalization: The Role Of Progressive Planners

...lso a reality throughout parts of Western Europe, though usually not as prevalent or obvious as in the U.S. The most important experience in transforming segregated cities to non-racialized metropolitan regions is underway in South Africa. With the end of…

Planning to Rebuild: The Issues Ahead

...e means of transportation. This makes sense for security purposes, but it will also improve commerce and the environment, and keep people coming to the city. Measures that have been proposed by city planners for years but which now should…

The Seventh Generation

...chel Fruchter became one of the 250 or so bikers and pedestrians killed by automobiles each year in New York City. The driver of the van got off with a ticket for a cracked windshield. The cops and the Parks…

Femicide in Ciudad Juárez: What Can Planners Do?

...orting the movement of the Women of Juárez in order to jointly organize a bilateral/international meeting to work out a grassroots plan for Ciudad Juárez. This plan, the purpose of which would be to make Juárez a safer city and…

Fuel Cell Futility

...favor of pushing for HFC-powered machines as the wave of the future in personal transportation in America. Oh, brother. Here we don’t go again. Hydrogen fuel cell cars use hydrogen to produce electricity to move a vehicle. What’s wrong with…

Review : Asphalt Nation

...fairness to transportation spending and to create a “market” that offers real alternatives. If I am partly dissatisfied by Kay’s solutions, it is because she fails to fully recognize how car-dependency and petroleum addiction are, in a sense, only symptoms…


...uns , un ancien couvent historique situé dans le centre-ville, à seulement quelques coins de rue de la majeure partie de la conférence. Pour plus d’informations ou pour réserver une chambre, cliquez ici. De même, l’Université McGill offre des logements…

Toronto: Car Culture Is Alive and Well

...n in the post-1998 Toronto have been enormous. Amalgamation presented an unparalleled opportunity for new and creative thinking about a citywide approach to transportation. At the same time, it exacerbated the pre-existing tensions between the high-density downtown core, the medium-density…

Oregon: Where’s the Growth Control? of the country could see the image of Oregon that I see with its strip malls, auto centers, and a comic book-like reflection of fast food establishments contained only by a line in the sand. (It’s far different than…

Chapter Updates

...activists, planning students, professors, and professionals add to your personal and professional network get the lowdown on planning issues locally, nationally and internationally You might find an opportunity to: organize new Planners Network events or a chapter in New York…

Water is Life! Cochabamba, Bolivia against Privatization

...AdT improvements to the water system that increased the hours of water availability, consumption also increased. AdT also implemented aggressive water billing practices. As a result, many families experienced net increases in their water bills far beyond the 35 percent…

Diversity in Practice

...athy Dorgan Each community design center (CDC) has a unique and winning personality. The character of these participatory public interest professional design practices are shaped by the communities they serve, their funders and, perhaps most importantly, their leadership. Centers vary…

Privatization and Planning

...o plan. Under the leadership of Planning Director Joseph Rose, son of a local real estate magnate, planners have been instructed to be “user-friendly.” This translates into obediently processing developer proposals. The planning staff does not work with neighborhoods in…

The Complexity of Gender A Caribbean Perspective illustrate this complexity, I will introduce two Antillean metaphors: “kalalloo” and “el mogoyón.” Kalalloo is a regional dish (similar to Cajun “gumbo”) including assorted greens, meats, seafood, and savory seasonings. The origins of the dish are uncertain. It has…

Social Housing in Bolivia: Challenges and Contradictions

...rities, a factor which has contributed to program delays. Still another prevalent problem is the inability of prospective purchasers to secure clear land title, a prerequisite for PVSS loans which require mortgage security. Delays have also resulted from administrative shortcomings,…

São Paulo Squat

...government. The squat is just one Brazilian manifestation of a growing global social movement which challenges municipal and national governments to provide their citizens with secure and adequate housing. A group of 87 families affiliated with the Integrated Participatory Project…

Summer 2009 Gaza Under Siege Katherine T. McCaffrey Urban Prospects Under Obama Right to the City Builds Alliance, Confronts Mayors by Jacqueline Leavitt Urban Prospects in the Age of Obama by Dick Platkin Will the Obama Administration Cut the Racial Trip Wire? by Bill…

The Apartheid Bubble in the Desert

...ubai, the maximum enclave and theme park of global capitalism. Its monumental malls, skyscrapers and millionaire condos loudly announce this brash newcomer to the global competition for the most ostentatious city in the world. It proves that with enough money…

7th generation questions about the authenticity of the formal government are as critical a challenge to effective planning as the severely polluted land and water. The Oneida in Wisconsin, who had early successes with gambling, have built a planning center and…

Spring 2003 War, Cities, and Urban Planning

...ley Seventh Generation By Tom Angotti Over 160 US Cities for Peace By Eugene Patron Dividing and Rebuilding Beirut By Katja Simons Vieques: El Impacto del Bombardeo en las Poblaciones Civiles Plan Puebla Panama By Wendy Call Roadmap to Stop…

Winter 2008 New Urban Planning?

...Social en el Habitat Popular por Alejandro Rofman Progressive Planning Profile: Jacqueline Leavitt Venezuela’s Communal Councils and the Role of Planners by Clara Irazábal and John Foley New Urban Planning? Can We Reinvent Planning? by Cliff Hague What About an…

Israel’s War for Water

...e Negev Desert in the south of the country with the water from the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River, was completed in 1964. Israel began to withdraw water from the Jordan, soon taking more than its previously agreed-upon…

Participatory Budgeting In Porto Alegre, Brazil

...0 city officials, professors and students attended the intensive workshop. Parallel presentations were made by the Brazilian and North American participants on the following topics: Globalization, Decentralization, Local Democracy, Privatization, Real Estate Markets, Environmental Justice, and University/Community Partnerships. Other PNers…

Urban Prospects in the Age of Obama

...dvocates view the president’s policies and programs through the lens of personal biography. They see a young, articulate Barack Obama who lived in Los Angeles, New York and Boston before moving to Chicago and entering politics. They welcomed Obama and…

The Socialist City, Still

...erek Chisholm argues in this issue, progressive planners need to make a personal commitment to put their progressive ideas into practice. In her article, Joan Roelofs underlines the importance of utopias to progressive urban planning and gives us a useful…

Federal Urban Renewal Not Dead

...s for lost land, crops, or homes.” The settlements are part of a geopolitical and military strategy to make the formation of a viable Palestinian state impossible. They are usually located near existing Arab towns and villages, often overlooking them.…

PN99 At Lowell: Labor and Community Meet

...d feelings didn’t mean controversy was absent. In the final plenary, Paul Fil*]}*son, a Pennsylvania official of the Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE), voiced skepticism about the prospects for labor-community cooperation, saying “My dream is that just…

Election 2000: Is It Time for Urban Policy?

...ressive change, it’s a chance to get involved in the discussion and pose real alternatives. And if Pat Buchanan enters the fray, he could use anti-corporate sentiments to pull the debate to the right and there would be no balancing…

Building New Identities: Book Review

...ent basis for free community use.” The group built new housing using material from dilapidated structures, and reclaimed vacant land for use as a community farm. They hold ‘raves,’ or community dances, as a way to raise money from voluntary…

Organizing A Childcare Union In Philadelphia, low wages, few benefits, and limited career opportunities. It’s a natural alliance. Childcare employers and the union face a shared dilemma, due in part to inadequate funding. “You can’t just organize workers to get more money because there is…

Which Labor, Which Community?

...heir members. Many go beyond this to support national reforms, like universal health care, that would benefit the entire working class, and some have been outspoken in support of civil rights and environmental issues. The isolation of organized labor from…

September/October 1999 The Growth Machine

...Selected Feature The Growth Machine Goes to the Inner City By Dwayne Wyatt The Seventh Generation: Alternatives to the Growth Machine By Dick Platkin and Ben Rosenbloom, Guest Editors The Auto Drives the Growth Machine By Aaron Golub Profit Drives…

Fall 2002 Just and Sustainable Transportation

...ers Organize By Eugene J. Patron Ciudad Viva Fights the Costanera Norte By Patricio Lanfranco Chicago’s Campaign for Better Transit By Patricia Nolan and Jacqueline Leavy Zipcar: Reshaping Our Relationship With The Automobile By Mark E. Chase Feature Article Section…

A Sense of Place in Toronto’s Inner Suburban Strip Mall

...housing—apartment towers, townhomes, and single detached houses—the strip mall also emerged, each with its own setback, its own messy parking lot, its own mix of retail, residential and offices. Strip malls undeniably have an auto-centric history. Traditionally, they housed pharmacies…