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33 results for your search.

The Auto Drives the Growth Machine

...obile is a commodity, and its production and sale are motivated and historically constrained by the social and economic framework of the capitalist order. The economy in the United States changed into a form of monopoly capitalism with the post-Depression…

The Costs of Auto Dependency

...cause asthma attacks. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2001 found that acute asthma care events for children–those that required hospitalization–dropped by 41.6 percent in Atlanta when the city banned many passenger cars from…

Confronting Globalization: The Role Of Progressive Planners

...e globe at lightning speed, beyond the pale of government regulation and local activists. They’re closing factories, downsizing, and abandoning workers and their communities in the North; they pillage and pollute in the South. They seem to be accountable to…

Planning to Rebuild: The Issues Ahead

...s? In facing these questions, there will be a strong draw toward technological fixes for the security problem: more sophisticated surveillance of public places by video cameras, more metal detectors, more barriers. By themselves, these do not make public places…

The Seventh Generation

...ted officials who would move traffic at all costs. Too many planners and local governments in the United States are as car crazy as the American Automobile Association. They foster auto-dependent development by requiring excess roadways and parking and ignoring…

Review : Asphalt Nation Kay, in Asphalt Nation, where she shows the environmental, social, physical, economic, and aesthetic damage inflicted on America by its love affair with the automobile. A love affair, she points out, that has more to do with government aphrodisiacs…

Fuel Cell Futility

...ver the next decade or so to counter the projected energy crunch in electrical generation and it looks like someone’s going to have to do without. And that someone is us. If, instead, the hydrogen for all of these new…


...oughout the nation and world people are facing powerful economic and political forces that lead to evictions from their homes and displacement from their communities. In response, people are organizing, resisting, and developing their own plans and policies as alternatives.…

Fall 2002 Just and Sustainable Transportation

...sportation Will Result in Environmental and Energy Gains APTA College Campuses: Sustainable Transportation Laboratories By Carlos Balsas Following Rosa Parks: Montgomery Bus Riders Organize By Eugene J. Patron Ciudad Viva Fights the Costanera Norte By Patricio Lanfranco Chicago’s Campaign for…

The Socialist City, Still

...the civil rights, anti-war and new social movements were significant political forces and generated interest in socialism and Marxism. It was not unusual then to contemplate the prospect of planning without private property, even in North America. Marxist analysis was…

Toronto: Car Culture Is Alive and Well

...ars to be to limit the obstacles posed to motorized traffic flow by specifically targeting pedestrians and cyclists. The alternative but minority view about gridlock lies in reducing the number of cars on the road (in absolute numbers and in…

Oregon: Where’s the Growth Control?

...without a comprehensive, community-based approach it is just another political line and not the solution for designing livable communities inside the boundary. I was drawn to the concept of urban growth boundaries as a refugee from the East Coast looking…

Melrose Commons, A Case Study for Sustainable Community Design

...olar orientation, prevailing winds and topography and the development of local capacity for waste elimination through recycling and the use of biodegradable materials. Although this definition is adequate from an environmental perspective, urban conditions demand a more comprehensive approach. Sustainable…

September/October 1999 The Growth Machine

...Selected Feature The Growth Machine Goes to the Inner City By Dwayne Wyatt The Seventh Generation: Alternatives to the Growth Machine By Dick Platkin and Ben Rosenbloom, Guest Editors The Auto Drives the Growth Machine By Aaron Golub Profit Drives…

Which Labor, Which Community?

...labor may be regaining some of its militance and working together on political strategy. But something’s missing here. The massive presence and unity of labor was sorely missed in recent demonstrations against police brutality and homophobic violence. Some unions have…

Organizing A Childcare Union In Philadelphia

...worker-centered childcare enterprises, cosponsored the gathering with a local think-tank. CCDI is a driving force behind this unusual organizing campaign, mobilizing employers and employees alike. CCDI is best known for developing worker-owned daycare centers that create better childcare jobs and…

PN99 At Lowell: Labor and Community Meet

...dents, professors, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and more. The conference theme called for “Bridging the Gap between Labor and Community,” and the first step in our weekend-long dialogue on that subject had to be figuring out who was present to talk.…

Building New Identities: Book Review

...of cities everywhere is being challenged by global restructuring and the escalating marginalization of low-wage workers and minority groups. One of the ways community groups have challenged this process is to reclaim neglected public and private land for communal use.…

Election 2000: Is It Time for Urban Policy?

...ressive change, it’s a chance to get involved in the discussion and pose real alternatives. And if Pat Buchanan enters the fray, he could use anti-corporate sentiments to pull the debate to the right and there would be no balancing…

Participatory Budgeting In Porto Alegre, Brazil, and tours to exchange information about progressive alternatives for local government. In Porto Alegre, we made presentations at a three-day seminar hosted by the government of Porto Alegre, known for its pioneering work in participatory budgeting over the last…

The Role of Technical/Professional Workers in Progressive Social Change

...Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians (FAECT) helped build a radical political agenda. The experiences of this group of technical and professional workers offer lessons for progressive planning today. The Great Depression of 1929 devastated working America, including its professional/technical workers. By…

Federal Urban Renewal Not Dead

...ns for lost land, crops, or homes.” The settlements are part of a geopolitical and military strategy to make the formation of a viable Palestinian state impossible. They are usually located near existing Arab towns and villages, often overlooking them.…

Race and Waste: Options for Equity Planning in New York City

...f color undermines public health, equity, and the environment. For all the calculations that have gone into the city’s latest plan for solid waste management, important equity concerns have not been adequately addressed by the city’s planners. With the closing…

Urban Prospects in the Age of Obama

...tranquilizing many community activists, non-profits and well-intentioned local officials into passivity at a time when the political energies of these groups are desperately needed to press for a progressive urban agenda in Washington. Some of these potential advocates view the…

Transit-Oriented Development and Communities of Color: A Field Report

...dministration, through its Sustainable Communities Initiative, state and local agencies and progressive think-tanks all emphasize TOD as a means to achieve housing, transportation and environmental goals, often through public-private partnerships. But as TOD has been justifiably promoted as the cleaner…

A Sense of Place in Toronto’s Inner Suburban Strip Mall

...andscapes are dotted with low-slung factories that are key employers for local residents. As Toronto’s suburbia developed into a hodgepodge of various housing—apartment towers, townhomes, and single detached houses—the strip mall also emerged, each with its own setback, its own…