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A Profile of Past PN Articles – In Honor of Black History Month

...ral State in Planning” 2020 webinar, featuring Deshonay Dozier, Courtney Knapp, Silky Shah and Sheryl-Ann Simpson and moderated by Annette Koh:   Ear to the Pavement Podcasts: Podcast Interview with Rob Robinson “Take Back the Land beat Bank of…

Chapter Updates jobs in their field. Check back periodically at the 2010 conference website,, for updates. L’Urbanisme Progressif Un Processus en Évolution? Le Congrès CAPS-ACÉAU 2010 Guelph, Ontario, du 4 au 6 février 2010 L’Association canadienne des étudiants en aménagement…

Imagine New York: Bringing Diverse Visions into View

...e. (They can be seen and sorted in the “Idea Gallery” of the Imagine NY website, The ideas were reviewed and categorized by the Imagine NY Steering Committee. The Steering Committee also developed preliminary drafts of the forty-nine vision…

Engineering Physical Activity Back Into Americans’ Lives

...“Pedestrian Facilities Users Guide” and the “Bicycle Lane Design Guide” at One approach is to construct sidewalks and bike lanes opportunistically–say, when streets are being paved or sewers redone. Note that in many communities health officers review all development…

The Heresies in HUD’s Public Housing Policy, including the “inalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness,” as our Declaration of Independence has it. That is the ultimate purpose of public ownership. It is not the purpose for which private owners own and manage…

New Urban Planning for Neighborhood Revitalization the charrette and notes from the stakeholder meetings were added to the site regularly, and the site’s interactive tools offered people a chance to participate on their own time. Although few people in this neighborhood have internet access at…

Chapter Contacts

...pter Google group – Facebook – & Twitter: @NYCPlanners / Instagram: @plannersnetworknyc University of Maryland Chapter Carter Reitman – cartert(dot)reitman(at) Illinois Chapter (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Ken Salo – kensalo(at)illinois(dot)edu Facebook –

Eighteen Months after Katrina

...e buildings and declared them structurally sound, and architecture critics applaud their garden style. Still, HUD plows ahead, planning to spend tens of millions of Katrina dollars to tear down millions of dollars of habitable housing only to end up…

Resisting Displacement and Disposession the City Alliance and the Homes For All Campaign. Moderator: Courtney Knapp Courtney Knapp, AICP is an Associate Professor of City and Regional Planning in the Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment at the Pratt Institute. Courtney teaches…

Two World Urban Forums, Two Worlds Apart

...s of strategy for progressives concerned about the shortcomings of liberal approaches to problems of social justice. Sometimes confrontation and sharp criticism are appropriate; at other times, cooperation on immediate actions, even if with different long-term perspectives, is productive. On…

PN 2001 in Rochester : Voices of Change

...eighborhood leaders pursuing urban agriculture as an “import substitution” approach to local economic development and civic leaders seeking to address the devastating impacts of uncontrolled sprawl. Other site visits examined Ithaca’s recently launched participatory neighborhood planning program, the commercial revitalization…

Assistant Professor position in Urban Planning and Climate Change, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

...hool of Planning, Dalhousie University, and Halifax, please go to these websites: Candidates should provide statements of their teaching and research interests, examples of peer reviewed published work, a curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information…

Winter 2011 Transportation Justice

...going Debate Over Privatization of Public Housing: National Association of HUD Tenants Comments on Draft Ellison PETRA Bill by National Association of HUD Tenants Transit-Oriented Development and Communities of Color: A Field Report by Gen Fujioka A Manifesto for Progressive…

It’s Housing, Not Public Housing

...ts to help middle and lower class families purchase homes, and encouraging HUD to speed up conversion of publicly subsidized projects to cooperative housing. The first two programs have the advantage of appealing to real estate developers and the construction…

Restricting Occupancy, Hurting Families

...we’re really talking about here is a culturally constructed definition of appropriate family composition and the apportioning of domestic space masquerading as a neutral, and even healthy and necessary, social policy – a social policy which can only have a…

Art and the Politics of Public Housing

...ity bus tour that was part of the 6 th LA Freewaves Festival. The tour revisited the history of public housing in Los Angeles, including Chavez Ravine. Everyone Is an Artist Residents were involved in a number of ways, lending…

Subscribing to Gender Internet Resources for Planners

...more popular medium to communicate, I’ve found an increasing number of web sites for organizations involved in planning and gender issues. One of the most interesting sites is the Metro Action Committee on Public Violence, METRAC. METRAC is a community…

Privatizing Public Space Saving NYC’s Parks

...le of private interests in the funding priorities of the Parks Department. Apparently unhappy about the slow pace of a $19 million pet project to install irrigation systems under city golf courses, the mayor appointed pro-shop manager Richard McDonough to…

Urban Prospects in the Age of Obama

...with “business-friendly” planning departments dedicated to the expeditious approval of permits for private real estate development. In combination, these neoliberal changes at all levels of government have led to such futile neoliberal urban programs as: Congestion management through highway pricing…

Previous National Conferences

...pation (783 KB) For more information see the Planners Network Manitoba web site: Older Conferences May 30-June 2, 2007, New Orleans, LA Race, Class and Community Recovery: From the Neighborhood to the Nation and Beyond June 8-11, 2006, Chicago,…

Assistant Professor position, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

...anning specialization. The university ( and departmental ( web sites offer additional information.…-assistant-professor-department-of-urban-and-regional-planning-104041 Page 1 of 2 Job Details: College of Fine + Applied Arts: Assistant Professor – Department of Urban and Regional Planning (104041) 10/2/18, 10(08 AM Apply…

War and the Urban “Geopolitical Footprint”

...orld, planners can work to prevent its sequel. Michael Dudley is at the Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg. For more information on the Detroit Project, visit For more information on the Project for the New American Century,…

Transportation Equity and Environmental Justice

...Harlem Environmental Action: Transportation Equity Network: Labor/Community Strategy Center: Interfaith Federation Challenges an MPO: Linking Metropolitan Equity & Environmental Justice The Interfaith Federation is a multiracial, church-based metropolitan organizing group in the northwest corner of Indiana. Less…

Planners Network Statement on the Israeli Wall

...itions: PENGON, the Palestinian Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations Network ( Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions ( The Rebuilding Alliance (


...d displaced working-class communities of color. The rhetoric coming out of HUD today suggests more of the same. The agency favors supporting the floundering markets, improving management and greening new development, while programs to help those in greatest need, low-income…

Election 2000: Is It Time for Urban Policy? for Gore? We cam give the Clinton-Gore Administration credit for saving HUD from extinction, acknowledging environmental justice as a legitimate concern, and withstanding some strong attacks on the by now severely limited role of the federal government in urban…

Where Do We Go from Here?

...administration continues to prioritize rebuilding Iraq while underfunding HUD. And it appears likely that Bush will attempt once again to revive the “faith-based initiative,” despite difficulties faced in launching it four years ago. We all know it is not realistic…

The Narrow Base of the New Urbanists

...sing and Urban Development’s (HUD) HOPE VI program exemplifies this latter approach. It is interesting to note that CNU’s founders (who remain its leaders today) share certain characteristics–their ages narrowly range between forty-five and fifty-five, all are white and nearly…

Progressive Planning Profile: Jacqueline Leavitt

...Her dissertation,Planning and Women, Women in Planning (1980), funded by a HUD grant, provided a critique of “the relationship between the planning profession’s impact on women planners and women planners’ impact on the profession and its products.” She has continued…

Social Justice in New Orleans – Planning after Katrina

...suggest a theoretical framework, grounded in a progressive planning theory appropriate to the mission of Planners Network, by which the answers might be approached, and then to suggest some possibilities for their practical interpretation in the New Orleans context. *…

Alternatives to the Growth Machine

...r capitalism; they run contrary to the need to maximize profit. Third, the site-specific liberal approaches do not make major contributions to housing affordability, racial and economic integration, or public sector investments in long-neglected communities. Instead, they make large, new…

Participatory Budgeting In Porto Alegre, Brazil

...r city needs. The city also turned down a five-star hotel proposed for the site of a de-commissioned power plant, preferring to use the well-situated site as a public park, convention hall and public symbol of the city. And faced…

Deviant History, Defiant Heritage

...houses? GLBT Landmarks Beyond the homes of notable individuals, there are sites associated with the GLBT movement that merit landmark designation. Recent scholarship has documented the history of the movement, but the need remains to link that history to historic…

Urban Life Will Change: Proposals for Rebuilding

...anyway), nor with even more beefed up security. What should be done at the site should not reflect the arrogance of power, but rather the resilience of continued and vibrant life and also very clearly the sorrow of their history…

Planning to Rebuild: The Issues Ahead already arisen about the wisdom of rebuilding on the World Trade Center site. Should federal, state and city governments invest extremely large sums to restore the infrastructure and density at the southern tip of Manhattan when the limited resources…

Planning After September 11: The Issues In New York

...ay repairs, for instance), streamlining should be on a case by case basis, approved by the City council and mayor, not by revisions of long-standing procedures. Position seven: The city has a City Planning Commission. It needs to be strengthened…

Urban Planning For Active Living: Who Benefits?

...rse Communities? To date, most public health research assumes a “barriers” approach to understanding active living in diverse communities. This approach assumes a shared definition of active living, and presumes that characteristics of individuals, groups and environments function to limit…

New York City’s Olympic Bid—Why?

...rates as a local amenity, it makes little use of a spectacular waterfront site and alternative uses would be much more appealing. Others, many others, object to its costs. There is a complex financing plan developed by Dan Doctoroff in…

Bounded Tourism: Plaza Mexico in California

...oric subjects of Mexican Lynwood inhabit a place that has become a tourist site (i.e., they are not recognized as worthy of visiting an ethnic enclave), nor do they have the choice—because of legal or economic constrains—of visiting the homeland.…

Design Center as Catalyst: “Envisioning East New York”

...liabilities, could be used as advantages. Second, we wanted an integrative approach, where more than one issue could be addressed on one site. Third, as architects we wanted to develop paradigms of new development which would complement and reenforce instead…

Melrose Commons, A Case Study for Sustainable Community Design

...w development. The City’s goal was to maximize the size of the development sites. Nos Quedamos approached the plan from the perspective that the basic building block for redevelopment is not the physical structures but rather the people who live…


...rmation about PN here:   From the Planners Network site: Planners Network is an association of progressive planning. Our members are professionals, activists, academics, and students involved in physical, social, economic, and environmental planning in urban and rural areas.…

Fuel Cell Futility

...lus for diesels is this: they’ll run on vegetable oil, and run quite well, apparently. Something to think about when petroleum runs out. Hybrids Ah, the motorized comfort food of the auto industry, a sort of four-wheeled chicken pot pie.…

Iraq Bombing : Another Lie

...diately after President Clinton announced the bombing of Iraq, Mother called Boston University historian Howard Zinn and asked for his take. After a few minutes, he sent this forceful accusation.] President Clinton has just told another lie, this time…

Planning Manager position, City of Citrus Heights, California

...eview and analysis. Demonstrates the ability to understand, interpret, and apply city codes and ordinances, Federal and State rules, regulations, and guidelines as applied to architectural, zoning and general plan requirements, including CEQA and NEPA. Has the ability to explain…

Senior Planner, Neighborhood Design Center, Columbus, Ohio

...rhoods. Examples of recent community planning efforts can be found at both and What you’ll do The ideal candidate will possess a broad range of planning experience coupled with excellent public speaking, research and community engagement skills. Specific…

Assistant Professor, Urban Planning for Sustainable and Resilient Cities, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

...2022 More details and application instructions can be found here: Poste au rang de professeur adjoint en urbanisme axé sur les villes durables et résilientes Le Département de géographie, urbanisme et environnement est à la recherche de candidates et…

Associate Planner, City of Hesperia, California

...applicants are required to submit a City application, cover letter and resume using the online employment application system. This application can be accessed from the City’s website at City of Hesperia o 9700 Seventh Avenue o Hesperia, CA 92345…

Planner position, City of Oakland, California Click on the link below to see a video on what it’s like to work for the City of Oakland! Working for the City of Oakland City of Oakland website: The City of Oakland is an equal opportunity…