Position Title: Research Fellow or Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Employer’s Name: PRRAC
Job Location: Washington, DC
Job description: The Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC) seeks a full-time Research Fellow (or Post-Doctoral Research Fellow) with strong quantitative, analytic and project management skills to lead the organization’s data collection, quantitative and qualitative research, GIS mapping, and report preparation. The Research Fellow gathers and manages data sets including but not limited to federal census data, HUD program data, federal and state education statistics, and state and local agency data; conducts research and data analysis on a range of large and small datasets; works with government statistical agencies and private corporations to access relevant data; provides technical advice on research design; prepares data and data analysis/interpretation for inclusion in PRRAC publications; prepares literature reviews on race and poverty related issues; liaisons with researchers working on PRRAC-supported research grants; and responds to and fulfills periodic data requests from reporters, agencies, government agencies, academics and others. The Research Fellow also authors/coauthors original quantitative research reports and briefs; writes original articles for Poverty & Race and other scholarly outlets; presents research at academic and other conferences and otherwise represents PRRAC at such conferences; and serves as the primary staff liaison to PRRAC’s Social Science Advisory Board.
Qualifications: A Master’s Degree or PhD in Statistics, Economics, Demography, Sociology, Planning, Public Policy or a related field that includes quantitative data skills. See web announcement for full description.
Weblink for further information: https://www.prrac.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/PRRAC-Research-Fellow-2025.pdf