The Seventh Generation
- Whither Progressive Planning?
by Tom Angotti and Marie Kennedy
- The Fight for Foote Homes: A peoples’ struggle to save public housing in Memphis, TN
by Ken Reardon and Antonio Raciti - Getting Outside the Supermarket Box: Alternatives to “food deserts”
by Megan Horst, Subhashni Raj, and Catherine Brinkley - Fighting Displacement in Barcelona and Beyond
by Emily Achtenberg - Women at Periphery of Urban Planning: Subordinated informality, detached autonomy and resistance in São Paulo, Mumbai and Durban
by Luciana Itikawa - Fixed Gear, Fixed Identify?: Equity, identity and urban cycling in Toronto
by Ronja Sørensen - Fight Against Fracking in Rural Netherlands: From community meetings to decision-making
by Paul Benneworth and Willem-Jan Velderman - Rio Mayor Demolishes Home of Prize-Winning ‘Woman Citizen’ on International Women’s Day
by RioOnWatch, Brazil - Neighborhood Integrity Initiative: More pushback against real estate speculation in Los Angeles
by Dick Platkin
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