The Seventh Generation
- Race, Regionalism and Reconciliation: Detroit Planning Fails the Three Rs
by Peter J. Hammer - What’s on the Surface: Aesthetic Divides in Signage, Muraling, and Other Forms of Surface Treatment in a “Renewing” Detroit Landscape
by Siobhan Gregory - Urban Agriculture in Detroit: It’s not a “Food Desert,” It’s about Food Sovereignty
by Alex B. Hill - Black and Blight
by Andrew Herscher
- Interpreting and Confronting Cutbacks to Public Transit in Your Community
by Luke K. Norman and Joe Grengs - Evicting the Evicted: Five Misleading Rationales for Homeless Camp Evictions
by Chris Herring - Prisons and Teaching: Destabilizing the Margins and Center
by Justin Steil, Arianna Martinez, Rashauna Johnson, and Sarita Daftary-Steel - All that Glitters Is Not Gold: The Not-So-Hidden Agenda Behind re:code LA
by Dick Platkin - Fair Housing and Beyond: Some Elusive Principles for Social Change
by Peter Marcuse - Brazil and India in Mozambique: Powering Green Growth or High-carbon Development?
by Joshua Kirshner
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